A Taxing AppTalk

Another solo appTalk--Ron wasn't there again, this time suffering through the boredom of JazzFest. But, we forged ahead nonetheless:

1. Dropbox (free) was mentioned in the presentation on online backups, so we added that it's available for the iPhone as well. It's a great way to share files between computers via the cloud.

2. We pointed out that many iPhone apps are better than their web page equivalents. Facebook (free) is certainly one of those, as is the Amazon (free) shopping site.

3. In honor of April 15 and tax season, we highlighted Milebug ($1.99--also a limited free version available), an app that very nicely tracks your tax-deductible mileage.

4. If the more you use an app, the better it gets, that's a good thing. And that's what happens to Shopping List. You only have to add items to the database once--the next time you shop for the same item, it's already there.

5. And finally, we briefly looked at Dragon, a great voice recognition app. It transcribes what you record, and from there you can copy it to the clipboard, email it, or text it.

How to Make Your Opera Mini Browser Sing - Gadgetwise Blog - NYTimes.com

"How to Make Your Opera Mini Browser Sing" in the NYT Gadgetwise Blog explains how to fine-tune your new Opera iPhone browser.

Two thousand, one hundred sixty!!!

That, my friends, is how many apps your iPhone will be able to hold using OS 4.0. Imagine the possibilities! For more details on this and other great changes 4.0 will bring, head over to the apple site, and watch Steve Jobs's keynote.

Has the Fat Lady Sung?

Opera is available for the iPhone, and it seems half the users think it's Joan Sutherland, the other half think it's Rosanne Barr! I've only begun to try it, but so far, I'm in the Sutherland camp! Tabbed browsing, a home page--heaven!

It's free, so take it for a test drive and let us know what you think!